Chicken Breed Selector

Check out the many chicken breeds available for your backyard flock!

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Austra White
Black Cochin Standard Chicken
Breed 1
Cinnamon Queen
Easter Egger
Japanese Bantam
Jersey Giant
Light Brahma
New Hampshire
Old English Game
Olive Egger
Plymouth Rock
Rhode Island
Rosecomb Bantam
Sex Link
 Splash Rosecomb Bantam featuring a rose comb, white earlobes, and a small, bantam size, prized for its friendly temperament and unique appearance, making it a popular choice for poultry enthusiasts.  Splash Rosecomb Bantam Chicken with a striking white and black feather pattern, known for its ornamental value and active nature, ideal for exhibitions and backyard flocks.
Splash Rosecomb Bantam
The Splash Rosecomb Bantam is a rare, true miniature chicken with a striking white and black feather pattern. Known for its beauty and gentle nature, this bantam is an ideal choice for shows and adds a unique touch to any...
Small Chickens
Bantam Breeds
Rare Breeds
Multi-Colored Eggs
3 or Less / wk
Cold Hardy
 Blue Rosecomb Bantam featuring a robust build, bluish-slate legs, and a proud demeanor, prized for its active temperament and ornamental value, making it a popular choice among poultry enthusiasts.  Blue Rosecomb Bantam with striking blue feathers, large white earlobes, and a distinctive rose comb, known for its elegance and show-worthy qualities, ideal for poultry exhibitions.  Blue Rosecomb Bantam with a small size, poor egg-laying abilities, and a tendency to be broody, recognized for its friendly nature and suitability as a show bird, requiring careful handling and care.
Blue Rosecomb Bantam
The Blue Rosecomb Bantam is a stunning true miniature chicken with blue feathers and large white earlobes. Recognized for its elegance and show-worthy qualities, this bantam is a spirited, proud bird perfect for poultry enthusiasts.
Small Chickens
Bantam Breeds
Rare Breeds
Multi-Colored Eggs
3 or Less / wk
Cold Hardy
 Easter Egger Bantam featuring a small size, pea comb, and active temperament, prized for its colorful eggs and ability to thrive in various climates, making it a popular choice for hobbyists and beginners.  Easter Egger Bantam with a unique mix of feather colors, beards, and muffs, known for laying eggs in shades of blue, green, and pink, ideal for backyard flocks due to their friendly nature and cold hardiness.
Easter Egger™ Bantam
The Silver Sebright Bantam is a rare, true bantam breed with unique feathering and no standard-sized counterpart. Developed by John Sebright in the early 1800s and recognized in 1874, this beautiful bird is known for its lack of sickle feathers...
Rare Breeds
Small Chickens
Bantam Breeds
Multi-Colored Eggs
3 or Less / wk
Cold Hardy
Silver Sebright Bantam featuring a rose comb, slate-blue legs, and a friendly temperament, prized for its active nature and ability to thrive in warm climates, though it can be flighty and requires careful handling.  Silver Sebright Bantam with a unique silver-white plumage laced in black, known for its small size, ornamental value, and distinctive lack of sickle feathers in males, making it a standout choice for poultry exhibitions.
Silver Sebright Bantam
The Silver Sebright Bantam is a rare, true bantam breed with unique feathering and no standard-sized counterpart. Developed by John Sebright in the early 1800s and recognized in 1874, this beautiful bird is known for its lack of sickle feathers...
Rare Breeds
Small Chickens
Bantam Breeds
Multi-Colored Eggs
 Spangled Old English Game Bantam with vibrant plumage featuring dark red feathers tipped with white spangles, known for its striking appearance and active temperament, ideal for exhibitions and ornamental purposes.  Spangled Old English Game Bantam featuring bright red combs, faces, wattles, and earlobes, prized for its unique multicolored plumage patterns and ability to thrive in various environments, though it can be flighty and requires careful handling.
Spangled Old English Game Bantam
The Spangled Old English Bantam is a beautiful, show-quality bantam with a mix of striking feather colors. Recognized by the American Standard of Perfection, this breed makes an ideal show bird or pet due to its friendly nature and manageable...
Rare Breeds
Small Chickens
Bantam Breeds
Multi-Colored Eggs
3 or Less / wk
Cold Hardy
Red Pyle Old English Standard with vibrant red and white feathers, known for its elegant appearance, straight comb, and pearl-colored legs, prized for its hardiness and ornamental value.
Red Pyle Old English Game Bantam
The Red Pyle Old English Bantam is a docile and beautiful miniature chicken with red and white feathers. Known for its friendly temperament, this bantam makes a great pet and an impressive show bird, adding charm to any flock.
Rare Breeds
Small Chickens
Bantam Breeds
Multi-Colored Eggs
3 or Less / wk
Cold Hardy
Black Breasted Red Old English Game Bantam with striking red and black feathering, known for its docile and friendly temperament, making it an excellent choice as a show bird or pet due to its charming nature and small size. Black Breasted Red Old English Game Bantam featuring a compact build, weighing 22 oz for roosters and 20 oz for pullets, prized for its active temperament, poor egg-laying abilities, and suitability as an ornamental bird due to its vibrant plumage.
Black Breasted Red Old English Game Bantam
The Black Breasted Red Old English Bantam is a beautiful, small-sized breed with red and black feathers and a calm temperament. Ideal for shows or as pets, this bantam is a perfect addition to any flock.
Rare Breeds
Small Chickens
Bantam Breeds
Multi-Colored Eggs
3 or Less / wk
Cold Hardy
 Black Japanese Bantam featuring extremely short legs, large wings that touch the ground, and a distinctive upright tail, prized for its ornamental value and ability to thrive in small spaces, though it requires careful handling to prevent feather staining.  Black Japanese Bantam with sleek black plumage, large comb, and arched tail feathers, known for its friendly temperament and suitability as a pet or show bird due to its small size and low maintenance requirements.
Black Japanese Bantam
The Black Japanese Bantam is a miniature breed with striking all-black feathers, large wings, and short legs. Ideal for both shows and as a friendly pet, this “must-have” bantam is available as baby chicks, ready to join your flock.
Rare Breeds
Small Chickens
Bantam Breeds
Multi-Colored Eggs
3 or Less / wk
Cold Hardy
 Mottled Japanese Bantam featuring a compact build, weighing 22 oz for hens and 26 oz for roosters, prized for its active nature, fair egg-laying abilities, and suitability as an ornamental bird due to its unique mottled plumage.  Mottled Japanese Bantam with striking black feathers featuring white tips, known for its large comb, short legs, and distinctive wings that touch the ground, ideal as a pet or show bird due to its elegant appearance and friendly temperament.
Mottled Japanese Bantam
The Mottled Japanese Bantam is a beautiful, historic breed with black feathers, a large comb, and distinctive ground-touching wings. Ideal as a pet or show bird, this bantam brings a touch of elegance and heritage to any flock.
Rare Breeds
Small Chickens
Bantam Breeds
Multi-Colored Eggs
3 or Less / wk
Cold Hardy
Gray Japanese Bantam with striking gray and black feathering, known for its large comb, extremely short legs, and arched tail feathers, ideal as a show bird or pet due to its small size and active temperament.  Gray Japanese Bantam featuring a compact build, weighing 22 oz for hens and 26 oz for roosters, prized for its ornamental value and ability to thrive in small spaces, though it requires careful handling to prevent feather staining.
Gray Japanese Bantam
The Gray Japanese Bantam is a small, charming chicken with gray and black feathering, short legs, and a prominent comb. Known for being low-maintenance and friendly, this bantam is a perfect choice for small spaces and makes a delightful pet.
Rare Breeds
Small Chickens
Bantam Breeds
Multi-Colored Eggs
3 or Less / wk
Cold Hardy
The Black Silkie Bantam is known for its soft, fluffy, hair-like feathers that are entirely black. They have black skin and bones, blue earlobes, and a small walnut-shaped comb that is typically red or mulberry-colored  Black Silkie Bantam with fluffy, black feathers, black skin and bones, and five toes, known for its friendly temperament and suitability as a pet or show bird due to its small size and low maintenance requirements.
Top Pick
Black Silkie Bantam
The Black Bearded Silkie Bantam is a rare, affectionate bantam breed with soft, fur-like feathers, turquoise earlobes, and a deep purple comb. Known for their gentle temperament, these Silkies make excellent pets and are exceptional at brooding, often hatching and...
Rare Breeds
Small Chickens
Bantam Breeds
Multi-Colored Eggs
3 or Less / wk
Top Picks
Mille Fleur d'Uccles are known for their unique feather pattern resembling a thousand flowers, with shades of brown, black, silver, and white. They have beards, muffs, and heavily feathered legs and feet, giving them a distinctive "duck-footed" walk Mille Fleur d'Uccle Bantams are known for their unique feather pattern, which resembles a thousand flowers (hence the name "Mille Fleur"). They have booted legs, beards, muffs, and a single comb. The plumage features shades of gray, black, and brown with distinctive white spangles
Mille Fleur d’Uccles Bantam
The Mille Fleur d’Uccle Bantam is a unique and beautiful true bantam breed with booted legs and a full beard. Known for its gentle temperament and stunning feather pattern, this bantam is perfect for enthusiasts and families alike, adding charm...
Rare Breeds
Small Chickens
Bantam Breeds
Multi-Colored Eggs
3 or Less / wk
Cold Hardy
 Silver Penciled Cochin Bantam with striking black and silver feathering, known for its friendly temperament and suitability as a pet or show bird due to its small size and low maintenance requirements. Silver Penciled Bantam Cochin with beautiful silver and black feathering, known for its friendly temperament and suitability as a pet or show bird due to its small size and low maintenance requirements.  Silver Penciled Bantam Cochin with striking silver and black feathering, known for its friendly temperament and suitability as a pet or show bird due to its small size and low maintenance requirements.
Silver Penciled Cochin Bantam
The Silver Penciled Cochin Bantam is a calm and friendly chicken with beautiful black and silver feathering, perfect for pets, brooders, or show birds. Known for their fluffy appearance and gentle nature, they’re an ideal addition to any flock.
Rare Breeds
Small Chickens
Bantam Breeds
Brown Eggs
3 or Less / wk
Cold Hardy
 Partridge Cochin Bantam with a stunning reddish-brown and black feather pattern, known for its friendly temperament and suitability as a pet or show bird due to its small size and low maintenance requirements.  Partridge Cochin Bantam with a robust build, recognized for its unique appearance, excellent mothering abilities, and suitability as an exhibition bird due to its striking plumage and friendly disposition.  Partridge Cochin Bantam featuring feathered legs, a single red comb, and a compact build, prized for its fair egg-laying abilities, high broodiness, and suitability for backyard flocks due to its docile nature.
Partridge Cochin Bantam
The Partridge Cochin Bantam is a charming, miniature chicken with a beautifully intricate feather pattern from head to feet. Known for its gentle temperament, it makes a perfect pet and show bird and is a wonderful mother for raising chicks...
Rare Breeds
Small Chickens
Bantam Breeds
Brown Eggs
3 or Less / wk
Red Pyle Standard Old English with vibrant red and white feathers, known for its active temperament and suitability as a show bird due to its historical significance and unique appearance.  Red Pyle Standard Old English featuring a compact build, weighing 4 lbs for hens and 5 lbs for roosters, prized for its fair brooding abilities and suitability for backyard flocks due to its hardiness.
Red Pyle Standard Old English
The Red Pyle Standard Old English game fowl from Chicken Coop Company is a vibrant and resilient breed with a straight comb and pearl-colored legs. Available in both standard and bantam sizes, this chicken offers a perfect blend of beauty...
Rare Breeds
Small Chickens
Multi-Colored Eggs
Bantam Breeds
3 or Less / wk
Cold Hardy
 Blue Sumatra with striking blue plumage, known for its active temperament and suitability as an ornamental bird due to its historical significance and unique appearance.
Blue Sumatra
Originating from Sumatra, these rare and exotic chickens feature blue-tinted feathers and long flowing tails. A favorite among enthusiasts, they offer a unique challenge in breeding. Available now at The Chicken Coop Company—add this stunning breed to your flock today!
White Eggs
Rare Breeds
Small Chickens
3 or Less / wk
White Yokohama featuring a slender build, weighing 3.5-4.5 lbs, prized for its fair brooding abilities and suitability for backyard flocks due to its hardiness.
Top Pick
White Phoenix Standard Chicken
The White Phoenix Standard Chicken is a stunning breed known for its long tail feathers, calm temperament, and broody hens. Developed from the Japanese Onagadori, it’s an excellent choice for those seeking a unique bird with small tinted eggs and...
Top Picks
Rare Breeds
Small Chickens
Bantam Breeds
Multi-Colored Eggs
3 or Less / wk
Silver Duckwing Phoenix featuring a slender build, weighing 4-5.5 lbs, prized for its fair brooding abilities and suitability for backyard flocks due to its hardiness.
Top Pick
Silver Duckwing Phoenix Standard Chicken
The Silver Duckwing Phoenix Standard Chicken, known for its elegant silver shoulder hackles and long tails, traces its roots back to the Onagadori breed of Japan. Perfect for ornamental purposes, this breed adds beauty to any flock and lays small...
Top Picks
Rare Breeds
Small Chickens
Bantam Breeds
Multi-Colored Eggs
3 or Less / wk
Gold Duckwing Phoenix Bantam featuring a small build, weighing 1-2 lbs, prized for its fair brooding abilities and suitability for small backyard flocks due to its hardiness. Golden Duckwing Phoenix featuring a slender build, weighing 4-5.5 lbs, prized for its fair brooding abilities and suitability for backyard flocks due to its hardiness.
Top Pick
Golden Duckwing Phoenix Standard Chicken
The Golden Duckwing Phoenix chicken, with its elegant black and gold feathers and long tail, is a stunning addition to any farm. Known for small tinted eggs, this breed is ideal for ornamental purposes. Order from The Chicken Coop Company...
Top Picks
Rare Breeds
Small Chickens
Bantam Breeds
Multi-Colored Eggs
3 or Less / wk
Blue Polish Chicken featuring a slender build, weighing 4.5-6 lbs, prized for its fair egg-laying abilities and suitability for backyard flocks due to its hardiness.
Top Pick
Blue Polish Chicken
The White Crested Blue Polish chicken, offered by The Chicken Coop Company, is a beautiful ornamental breed. Known for its unique crest, it makes an excellent show bird and pet. While not prolific layers, these chickens produce small to medium...
Top Picks
White Eggs
Rare Breeds
3 or Less / wk
Golden Laced Polish featuring a slender build, weighing 4.5-6 lbs, prized for its fair egg-laying abilities and suitability for backyard flocks due to its hardiness. Golden Laced Polish featuring a slender build, weighing 4-6 lbs, prized for its fair egg-laying abilities and suitability for backyard flocks due to its hardiness.
Top Pick
Golden Laced Polish Chicken
The Golden Laced Polish chicken from The Chicken Coop Company is a rare, ornamental breed known for its stunning gold, black, and brown plumage. Perfect for exhibitions or as a pet, this friendly breed lays small eggs. A beautiful addition...
Top Picks
White Eggs
Rare Breeds
3 or Less / wk
Buff Cochin Standard featuring a large build, weighing 8-11 lbs, prized for its fair egg-laying abilities and suitability for backyard flocks due to its hardiness.
Buff Cochin Standard Chicken
The Buff Cochin Standard is a large, friendly chicken known for its golden plumage and feathered legs. Perfect for families, it’s calm, docile, and excels at raising chicks with its strong brooding instincts. Ideal for backyard flocks, this breed combines...
Brown Eggs
Large Eggs
Large Chickens
Rare Breeds
3 or Less / wk
Golden Laced Cochin Standard with stunning golden laced plumage, known for its gentle temperament and suitability as an ornamental bird due to its historical significance and unique appearance. Golden Laced Cochin Standard featuring a large build, weighing 8-11 lbs, prized for its fair egg-laying abilities and suitability for backyard flocks due to its hardiness.
Golden Laced Cochin Standard Chicken
The Golden Laced Cochin Standard is a rare, large, and visually stunning chicken with feathered legs and a friendly nature. Despite their size, they lay small to medium eggs. Their striking appearance and gentle temperament make them a standout choice...
Brown Eggs
Large Eggs
Large Chickens
Rare Breeds
3 or Less / wk
Rainbow Assorted chickens with a robust appearance, recognized for their diverse egg colors, excellent longevity, and suitability as a backyard flock due to their hardiness and unique characteristics. Rainbow Assorted package including breeds like Ameraucanas and Marans, prized for their colorful eggs and suitability for families due to their friendly and social behavior.
Rainbow Assorted Females
Create a vibrant, diverse flock with Rainbow Assorted Females, featuring hens of various feather and egg colors. Enjoy a steady egg supply with different laying cycles, plus the unique personalities and temperaments of multiple breeds, all adding charm and delight...
High Egg Production
Brown Eggs
Large Eggs
Egg / Meat Bird
Large Chickens
4 or 
More / wk
Golden Spitzhauben Chicken, a rare Swiss breed with golden spangled plumage.
Golden Spitzhauben
The Golden Spitzhauben Chicken is a rare Swiss breed with striking golden plumage, unique horn-type comb, and a forward-pointing head crest. Known for laying 220-280 white eggs annually, these elegant birds are a prized addition to any flock, offering beauty...
High Egg Production
White Eggs
Rare Breeds
Small Chickens
3 or Less / wk
Lakenvelder Chicken, a rare breed with striking black and white plumage. Lakenvelder Chicken, a rare breed with striking black and white plumage, known for its active foraging nature.
Lakenvelder Chicken
The Lakenvelder chicken, a rare and striking heritage breed, boasts a unique black and white color pattern. A reliable egg layer, it's known for its hardiness. Sadly, this breed is at risk due to modern hybrids. Preserve tradition with The...
Multi-Colored Eggs
Rare Breeds
Small Chickens
4 or 
More / wk
White Ameraucana Chicken, a medium-sized breed known for laying blue eggs and its friendly, docile nature. White Ameraucana Chicken, a rare breed known for laying blue eggs and its friendly, docile nature.
Top Pick
White Ameraucana Chicken
The White Ameraucana chicken is a rare, USA-origin breed known for laying blue eggs. It has a docile, friendly nature and thrives in both confinement and free-range environments. Recognized in 1984, this breed is hardy and productive, with slate blue...
High Egg Production
Top Picks
Large Eggs
Multi-Colored Eggs
3 or Less / wk
Cream Legbar Chicken, a medium-sized breed known for laying blue eggs and its friendly, active temperament.
Cream Legbar
The Cream Legbar chicken is a British breed known for its blue eggs and auto-sexing ability, allowing chicks to be identified by color at hatching. Developed in the early 20th century, this hardy bird thrives in various climates and is...
High Egg Production
Large Eggs
Multi-Colored Eggs
4 or 
More / wk
French Cuckoo Marans Chicken, a heritage breed known for its dark brown or speckled eggs, friendly temperament, and athletic foraging abilities. French Cuckoo Marans Chicken, a dual-purpose breed known for its mottled plumage, sparsely feathered legs, and dark brown eggs, ideal for free-range settings.
French Cuckoo Marans
The French Cuckoo Marans is a hardy and friendly chicken breed, renowned for laying dark brown, speckled eggs. With an easygoing nature, these birds thrive in free-range environments and are a popular choice for backyard flocks. Their adaptability makes them...
High Egg Production
Brown Eggs
Large Eggs
Multi-Colored Eggs
4 or 
More / wk
Buckeye Chicken, featuring a robust build, friendly temperament, and excellent foraging abilities, ideal for backyard flocks and small farms due to its adaptability and gentle nature.
The Buckeye chicken, developed in Ohio, is the only breed created by a woman. Known for laying brown eggs, its unique slanted body, meaty thighs, and fearless nature make it an excellent hunter. Once near extinction, this hardy, dual-purpose breed...
High Egg Production
Brown Eggs
Large Chickens
Egg / Meat Bird
3 or Less / wk
Cold Hardy
White Jersey Giant chicken with large, heavy frame and pure white plumage White Jersey Giant Chicken, a large dual-purpose breed known for its white plumage, dark willow shanks, and yellow skin, producing medium-sized brown eggs and ideal for both meat and egg production.
Top Pick
White Jersey Giant
The White Jersey Giant, developed in the 1880s in New Jersey, is the largest dual-purpose chicken breed. Known for its impressive size and meat production, it matures slower but grows one-third larger than other breeds. Hens lay around 240 extra-large...
High Egg Production
Top Picks
Brown Eggs
Large Chickens
Large Eggs
3 or Less / wk
Cold Hardy
Delaware chicken with white plumage and black barring on neck and tail
Top Pick
The Delaware chicken, developed in the 1940s in Delaware, USA, is a dual-purpose breed known for its rapid growth and brown egg production. With nearly white plumage and distinctive black feathers, this breed has made a strong comeback after near...
High Egg Production
Top Picks
Brown Eggs
Large Eggs
Large Chickens
Egg / Meat Bird
4 or 
More / wk
Cold Hardy
Hybrid Red Sex Link hen, reliable brown egg layer ideal for backyard and farm use Red Sex Link chicken with golden-red feathers, known for exceptional egg production
Red Sex Link
The Red Sex Link hybrid chicken, bred from Rhode Island Red roosters and Delaware hens, offers exceptional egg production and easy sex identification. Ideal for backyard flocks, they thrive in various environments, ensuring both vigor and health in your poultry.
High Egg Production
Brown Eggs
Large Eggs
4 or 
More / wk
White Plymouth Rock chicken with clean white feathers and sturdy build
White Plymouth Rock
The White Plymouth Rock chicken, recognized since 1888, is a dual-purpose breed ideal for both eggs and meat. Known for its pure white plumage, friendly nature, and cold-hardiness, this heritage breed lays large brown eggs and matures early. Add this...
High Egg Production
Brown Eggs
Large Eggs
Large Chickens
Egg / Meat Bird
4 or 
More / wk
Ginger Red Old English Game Bantam Ginger Red Old English Game Bantam Ginger Red Old English Game Bantam
Ginger Red Old English Game Bantam
The Ginger Red Old English Bantam is a captivating and low-maintenance chicken breed, perfect for families and hobbyists alike. Renowned for its striking appearance and friendly demeanor, this Bantam requires minimal space and integrates well with other chickens. Whether you're...
Rare Breeds
Small Chickens
Bantam Breeds
Multi-Colored Eggs
3 or Less / wk
Cold Hardy
Black Standard Old English Chicken with striking black plumage, bright red comb, and robust health, ideal for exhibitions.
Black Standard Old English
The Black Old English Standard is an ancient breed with Victorian roots, known for its striking black feathers, hardiness, and excellent predator awareness, making it a perfect backyard addition. Bred by Chicken Coop Company for nearly 40 years, it’s a...
Rare Breeds
Small Chickens
Multi-Colored Eggs
Bantam Breeds
3 or Less / wk
Cold Hardy
Bronze Heritage Standard Turkey with majestic plumage featuring dark-brown feathers and a metallic bronze sheen, known for its stately appearance and robust build. Bronze Heritage Standard Turkey featuring a regal stature, broad chest, and strong legs, prized for its high-quality meat and excellent foraging abilities.
Bronze Heritage Standard Turkey
The Heritage (Standard) Bronze Turkey is a historic breed known for its natural breeding ability, excellent foraging skills, and long lifespan. With roots tracing back to early American history, this bird combines beauty and sustainability, making it perfect for homesteads...
Large Eggs
Brown Eggs
Large Chickens
Rare Breeds
Egg / Meat Bird
 Dominique Bantam Chicken with a docile temperament, attractive black-and-white barred feathers, and a distinctive rose comb, ideal for backyard flocks and exhibitions due to its friendly nature and reliable egg-laying abilities. Dominique Bantam featuring a miniature size, small brown eggs, and a calm disposition, making it a popular choice for small spaces and family-friendly environments.
Dominique Bantam
The Dominique Bantam is a calm, friendly bantam chicken with a rose comb and attractive barred feathers, similar to its standard-sized counterpart. Recognized in 1960, it’s perfect for backyard flocks, laying plenty of eggs and thriving as a show or...
Small Chickens
Bantam Breeds
Brown Eggs
Rare Breeds
3 or Less / wk
Cold Hardy
 Golden Sebright Bantam with vibrant golden feathers laced in black, known for its small size, friendly temperament, and ornamental value, ideal for exhibitions and backyard flocks.  Golden Sebright Bantam featuring a rose comb, slate-blue legs, and a docile yet flighty nature, prized for its unique hen-feathered males and suitability as a pet due to its gentle disposition.
Golden Sebright Bantam
The Golden Sebright Bantam is a striking miniature chicken, recognized for its unique lack of sickle feathers in males and lively personality. Perfect as a show bird, this breed was first developed in England and recognized in 1874, bringing elegance...
Rare Breeds
Small Chickens
Bantam Breeds
Multi-Colored Eggs
White Old English Game Bantam featuring a compact build, weighing between 510-620g, and recognized for its easy trainability, minimal space requirements, and low feed needs, making it a popular choice for backyard flocks.  White Old English Game Bantam with stunning white feathers, a large red comb, and strong, long tail feathers, known for its active nature and adaptability to various environments.
White Old English Game Bantam
The White Old English Bantam is a beautiful, miniature game chicken with pure white feathers and classic Old English traits. Perfect for both pets and shows, these bantams are easy to care for and require minimal space, making them ideal...
Rare Breeds
Small Chickens
Bantam Breeds
Multi-Colored Eggs
3 or Less / wk
Cold Hardy
 White Old English Game Bantam with a robust build, white skin, and a tendency to be flighty and aggressive due to its fighting heritage, ideal for exhibitions and those experienced in handling assertive birds.  White Old English Game Bantam featuring a compact build, weighing between 510-620g, and recognized for its easy trainability, minimal space requirements, and low feed needs, making it a popular choice for backyard flocks.
Wheaten Old English Game Bantam
The Wheaten Old English Bantam is a popular miniature breed with beautiful brown and black feathers. Recognized by the American Standard of Perfection, this tame and easy-to-care-for bantam is perfect for showing or as a friendly addition to any small...
Rare Breeds
Small Chickens
Bantam Breeds
Multi-Colored Eggs
3 or Less / wk
Cold Hardy
 Silver Duckwing Old English Game Bantam featuring a rose comb, slate-blue legs, and a compact build, prized for its active temperament, poor egg-laying abilities, and tendency to be setters, ideal for those interested in ornamental and exhibition purposes.  Silver Duckwing Old English Game Bantam with striking black and white feathers, known for its spirited yet gentle personality, making it an excellent choice as a pet or show bird due to its friendly nature and minimal space requirements.
Silver Duckwing Old English Game Bantam
The Silver Duckwing Old English Bantam is a beautiful, spirited bantam chicken with an elegant feather pattern. Known for its tame nature, this breed is ideal for families, shows, or as a charming pet in small flocks.
Rare Breeds
Small Chickens
Bantam Breeds
Multi-Colored Eggs
3 or Less / wk
Cold Hardy
Self Blue Old English Game Bantam with a stunning soft gray or lavender plumage, known for its gentle nature and active temperament, ideal for exhibitions and backyard flocks due to its minimal space requirements. Self Blue Old English Game Bantam with a robust build, weighing around 22 oz for hens and 24 oz for roosters, recognized for its poor egg-laying abilities, broodiness, and suitability as a pet due to its friendly and docile nature. Self Blue Old English Game Bantam featuring a single comb, clean bluish-gray legs, and a small size, prized for its ornamental value and ability to thrive in various environments, though it is not especially heat-tolerant.
Self Blue Old English Game Bantam
The Self Blue Old English Bantam is a beautiful, tame bantam chicken with striking blue feathers. Requiring minimal space and feed, this easy-care breed is popular at poultry shows and is a great choice for families or small flocks.
Rare Breeds
Small Chickens
Bantam Breeds
Multi-Colored Eggs
3 or Less / wk
Cold Hardy
Crele Old English Game Bantam with vibrant black-breasted red feathers and a distinctive white spot on the head, known for its active temperament and ornamental value, ideal for exhibitions and backyard flocks. Crele Old English Game Bantam featuring a single comb, clean white legs, and a friendly yet sometimes skittish nature, prized for its minimal space requirements and low feed needs, making it suitable for small properties.
Crele Old English Game Bantam
The Crele Old English Bantam is a small, colorful chicken known for its gentle nature and unique feather pattern. This bantam variety requires little space and feed, making it an excellent choice for show, as a pet, or as part...
Rare Breeds
Small Chickens
Bantam Breeds
Multi-Colored Eggs
3 or Less / wk
Cold Hardy
Brown Red Old English Game Bantam with striking black plumage accented by deep orange hackle and saddle feathers in roosters, and yellow-orange head and neck feathers in hens, known for its active temperament and excellent foraging abilities. Brown Red Old English Game Bantam featuring a compact build, weighing 22 oz for hens and 24 oz for roosters, prized for its low maintenance requirements, poor egg-laying abilities, and suitability as a pet or exhibition bird due to its friendly nature.
Brown Red Old English Game Bantam
The Brown Red Old English Bantam is a beautiful, tame bantam chicken with stunning feathers, recognized by the American Standard of Perfection. Requiring little feed and space, this gentle bird is ideal for pets, small flocks, or show purposes.
Rare Breeds
Small Chickens
Bantam Breeds
Multi-Colored Eggs
3 or Less / wk
Cold Hardy
Brassy Back Old English Game Bantam with a robust build, recognized for its hardiness, long lifespan, and tendency to roost high off the ground, ideal for those interested in heritage breeds and ornamental poultry due to its historical significance and visual appeal. Brassy Back Old English Game Bantam with striking black and brassy-gold plumage, known for its friendly temperament, minimal space requirements, and ornamental value, making it a popular choice for exhibitions and backyard flocks. Brassy Back Old English Game Bantam featuring a compact build, weighing 22 oz for hens and 24 oz for roosters, prized for its active nature, poor egg-laying abilities, and suitability as a pet due to its calm and trainable personality.
Brassy Back Old English Game Bantam
The Brassy Back Old English Bantam is a miniature breed with striking black and gold feathers, known for its friendly nature and low space requirements. Ideal for shows and as pets, these bantams make a charming addition to any flock.
Rare Breeds
Small Chickens
Bantam Breeds
Multi-Colored Eggs
3 or Less / wk
Cold Hardy
Blue Old English Game Bantam with a stunning slate blue plumage, known for its friendly temperament and active nature, ideal for exhibitions and backyard flocks due to its small size and low maintenance requirements.
Blue Old English Game Bantam
The Blue Old English Bantam is a beautiful, calm Bantam chicken with blue-tinted feathers, perfect for families and great for exhibitions. Recognized in the American Standard of Perfection, this breed is a stunning and friendly addition to any flock.
Rare Breeds
Small Chickens
Bantam Breeds
Multi-Colored Eggs
3 or Less / wk
Cold Hardy
Black Old English Game Bantam with sleek black plumage, slate gray legs and feet, and bright red comb and wattles, known for its calm temperament and ornamental value, ideal for exhibitions and backyard flocks. Black Old English Game Bantam featuring a compact build, weighing 22 oz for hens and 24 oz for roosters, prized for its active nature, poor egg-laying abilities, and suitability as a family-friendly pet due to its gentle disposition.
Black Old English Game Bantam
The Black Old English Bantam is a miniaturized, show-quality chicken with sleek black feathers, known for its gentle temperament and suitability as a family-friendly pet. Recognized in the American Standard of Perfection, this bantam is easy to handle and a...
Rare Breeds
Small Chickens
Bantam Breeds
Multi-Colored Eggs
3 or Less / wk
Cold Hardy
Barred Old English Game Bantam with striking black and white spotted plumage, known for its calm nature and active temperament, ideal for exhibitions and backyard flocks due to its minimal space requirements and low feed needs. Barred Old English Game Bantam featuring a compact build, weighing 22 oz for hens and 24 oz for roosters, prized for its friendly disposition, poor egg-laying abilities, and suitability as a pet due to its docile and easily handled nature. Barred Old English Game Bantam with a robust build, recognized for its hardiness in cold weather, adaptability to confinement or free-range environments, and tendency to be setters, making it a popular choice for those interested in ornamental and exhibition poultry.
Barred Old English Game Bantam
The Barred Old English Game Bantam is a compact, low-maintenance bantam chicken with beautiful black and white spotted feathers. Known for their calm nature and easy care, they’re perfect for small spaces and make wonderful pets.
Rare Breeds
Small Chickens
Bantam Breeds
Multi-Colored Eggs
3 or Less / wk
Cold Hardy
 White Japanese Bantam featuring extremely short legs, large wings that touch the ground, and a distinctive upright tail, prized for its ornamental value and ability to thrive in small spaces, though it requires careful handling to prevent feather staining.  White Japanese Bantam with a robust build, weighing about 400-500 grams, recognized for its low egg production, cream or tinted egg color, and tendency to be broody, making it a popular choice for backyard flocks and poultry enthusiasts. White Japanese Bantam with pure white plumage, large comb, and arched tail feathers, known for its friendly temperament and suitability as a pet or show bird due to its small size and low maintenance requirements
White Japanese Bantam
The White Japanese Bantam is a charming, miniature breed known for its pure white feathers and prominent large comb. With origins in 1700s Japan, this bantam has been a recognized and beloved breed for over a century.
Rare Breeds
Small Chickens
Bantam Breeds
Multi-Colored Eggs
3 or Less / wk
Cold Hardy
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High Egg Production

Bantams are small, cute, and come in all different breeds and colors! They are a fun addition to any backyard flock and their small size means they eat less, poop less, and require less space than a standard size chicken. However, it’s best to learn all about raising and caring for these mini chickens before deciding to add them to your backyard flock.

Brown Eggs

Brown egg-laying chickens, like the popular Rhode Island Red and Barred Plymouth Rock, are a favorite among backyard poultry enthusiasts and commercial farmers alike. These breeds are known not just for their rich, brown eggs but also for their hardy nature and amiable personalities. Brown egg layers often boast a gentle temperament, making them a joy to raise, especially for families with children. Whether you're an aspiring urban homesteader or an experienced farmer, these chickens offer a delightful blend of productivity and companionship.

White Eggs

White egg-laying chickens, known for their prolific egg production, are a staple in many backyard coops. Breeds like the Leghorn are particularly admired for their efficiency, often producing up to 280-320 eggs annually. These birds are not only valued for their productivity but also for their relatively low feed consumption, making them an economical choice for small and large-scale egg producers alike. With their sleek white feathers and active demeanor, they adapt well to various environments, from free-range setups to more confined spaces. For those passionate about sustainable farming or just looking to enjoy fresh eggs daily, white egg layers offer a reliable and rewarding experience.

Multi-Colored Eggs

Colored egg layers are fun to have as you never know quite what color of beautiful eggs you will get. These unique breeds, like the Ameraucana, Marans, and Easter Egger, are known for their vibrant egg shells that range from shades of blue and green to deep chocolate brown. Not only do these eggs add a splash of color to your breakfast table, but they also indicate the genetic diversity and health of the hens themselves. Imagine collecting a rainbow of eggs straight from your backyard coop—each egg a delightful surprise. These extraordinary chickens make for lively conversation starters and add a whimsical touch to any homestead. Whether you’re a seasoned chicken keeper or a curious newbie, colorful egg layers will bring joy and variety to your flock.

Large Eggs

If you’re a backyard chicken family looking to maximize your egg production with larger eggs, consider adding breeds like the Australorp, Sussex, or Rhode Island Red to your flock. These hens are known for consistently laying large, delicious eggs that make breakfast a delight and baking a breeze. Not only do these breeds excel in egg size and quantity, but they are also hardy and adaptable, making them ideal for various climates and care levels. Whether you're new to raising chickens or a seasoned pro, these large egg layers will bring both joy and productivity to your backyard flock.

Meat Bird

Raising chickens for meat, also known as broilers, can be an incredibly rewarding experience for backyard farmers. Unlike their egg-laying counterparts, broilers are specifically bred for rapid growth and a higher meat yield. Typically, these chickens reach market weight in just 6-8 weeks. Popular breeds like Cornish Cross and Red Rangers offer different advantages, from faster growth rates to more robust health. Providing them with a well-balanced diet, ample space to roam, and proper care will ensure they thrive and produce tender, flavorful meat. Whether you're interested in sustainable living or simply want to enjoy homegrown poultry, raising meat chickens allows you to take control of your food source and savor the fruits of your labor.

Egg / Meat Bird

Dual-purpose chicken breeds are often referred to as “BBQ Special” chickens which are prized for their versatility in both egg production and meat quality. Breeds such as the Cornish, New Hampshire or Norfolk Grey would be three examples. How great is it to get eggs and then be able to have chicken for dinner? Bon appetit!


Birds are heat tolerant

Cold Hardy

If you live in a cold climate cold-hardy chickens are your best bet! These resilient birds, like the Buff Orpington and Rhode Island Red, thrive in chilly climates, thanks to their thick plumage and robust health. Not only do they keep laying eggs when temperatures drop (not as quickly mind you), but they're also known for their friendly and docile nature, making them ideal for having as backyard chickens.


When a hen goes broody, she instinctively wants to sit on eggs and hatch them, which can be a natural way to expand your flock without needing an incubator. Watch out as she becomes aggressive in defending the eggs. It’s fascinating to watch her dedicatedly turn the eggs and cluck softly to them. However, a broody hen can sometimes become territorial and may stop laying new eggs, focusing solely on her current brood. To manage a broody hen, ensure she has a comfortable, safe nesting area and consider separating her from other chickens to reduce stress.


A docile chicken is one that's calm, friendly, and easy to handle, making it perfect for backyard flocks. These chickens are known for their gentle nature, which makes them great companions for families and novice chicken owners. Breeds like the Buff Orpington, Silkie, and Australorp are renowned for their docile temperament. Not only do they provide a steady supply of fresh eggs, but their easygoing personalities also make them a joy to watch and interact with in your backyard.

Top Picks

These are our top picks for backyard chicken owners. They have the best combination of egg production, temperament, and hardiness to make your backyard chicken-raising adventures thrive.

Small Chickens

Raising small chickens can be a ton of fun for backyard chicken farmers. These miniature cluckers, often referred to as bantams, are perfect for small spaces, offering the charm and productivity of larger breeds without the need for large coops or runs. They're not only easier to handle due to their size, but they also lay adorable, small eggs that are just as delicious. With their vibrant personalities and diverse feather patterns, small chickens add a unique touch to any backyard chicken-raising adventure, making them both a practical and aesthetically pleasing choice.

Large Chickens

Large chickens can be a wonderful addition to your backyard flock! These gentle giants, such as Brahmas and Orpingtons, are known not only for their impressive size but also for their friendly and docile nature. Their larger bodies mean they tend to lay bigger eggs, providing you with a more substantial breakfast. Plus, with their fluffy feathers and calm demeanor, they make great pets for families and can easily become the centerpiece of your chicken coop.

Bantam Breeds

Bantam breeds are perfect for backyard chicken owners looking to add a touch of charm to their flocks. These miniature chickens, which are about half the size of standard breeds, boast a variety of vibrant feather patterns and friendly personalities. Not only do they require less space and feed, but their smaller eggs are also a delightful addition to any breakfast table. Whether you're a seasoned backyard chicken owner or just starting, bantams can provide a unique and rewarding experience.

Rare Breeds

If you're a backyard chicken owner looking to add a unique touch to your flock, consider rare chicken breeds. The Ayam Cemani, known for its striking all-black appearance, not only looks exotic but also carries a mystical allure. Meanwhile, the Swedish Flower Hen offers a burst of color with its naturally vibrant plumage, making your coop look like a living bouquet. And let's not forget the charming Cream Legbar, famous for laying beautiful blue eggs and being incredibly friendly. These rare breeds not only enhance the visual appeal of your backyard but also contribute to the genetic diversity of your flock. Ready to explore more? Discover how these fascinating birds can make your chicken-keeping experience truly extraordinary!