Rainbow Assorted chickens with a robust appearance, recognized for their diverse egg colors, excellent longevity, and suitability as a backyard flock due to their hardiness and unique characteristics.
Rainbow Assorted package including breeds like Ameraucanas and Marans, prized for their colorful eggs and suitability for families due to their friendly and social behavior.
Rainbow Assorted chickens with a robust appearance, recognized for their diverse egg colors, excellent longevity, and suitability as a backyard flock due to their hardiness and unique characteristics.
Rainbow Assorted package including breeds like Ameraucanas and Marans, prized for their colorful eggs and suitability for families due to their friendly and social behavior.
  • Egg Size


  • Egg Quantity

    Very Good (4/wk)

  • Egg Color

    Assorted, Blue, Green

  • Cold Tolerance

    Not Cold Hardy

  • Heat Tolerance

    Tolerates Heat Well

  • Abundance


  • Personality


  • Size

    Large Fowl

  • Feathered Feet


Rainbow Assorted Females

Select Sex Info

Rainbow Assorted Females

Start your own colorful and diverse flock with the Rainbow Assorted Females, a unique assortment of female chicks that will grow into hens with a vibrant array of feather colors. This collection offers not just visual beauty but also a variety of egg colors, including shades of brown, white, blue, and green, bringing a delightful splash of color to your egg basket.

The diverse mix of breeds ensures a steady supply of eggs, as each breed has its own laying cycle, spreading egg production over a longer period. Additionally, the varied personalities and temperaments of the different breeds in this assortment make for a lively and engaging flock, offering a more enriching and enjoyable experience for any poultry enthusiast.

Breed Variety:

  • Rainbow Assorted Females come in a mix of breeds. The mix will include both purebred and hybrid chickens chosen for good egg production and friendly nature.

  • Common breeds in a Rainbow Assorted mix may include Rhode Island Red, Black Australorp, Leghorns, Easter Eggers, Plymouth Rocks, Orpingtons and Marans etc.

  • Breed mix will vary depending on the supplier but they are chosen for productivity and temperament.


  • Rainbow Assorted Females are good egg layers. Exact egg production will depend on the breeds but most breeds in these mixes are known for Medium to Large eggs.

  • They will lay a variety of egg colors brown, white, blue and even green depending on the breed mix.

  • They will produce 250-300 eggs per year although egg production may vary depending on season and individual hens.


  • Most Rainbow Assorted Females are chosen for their gentle and friendly nature. Many breeds in the mix are docile and easy to handle making them good for families, beginners or those who want an easy to manage flock.

  • They are sociable and calm and will coexist peacefully with other chickens which makes them ideal for mixed flock.

  • Level of activity may vary depending on the breed mix but generally they are not flighty or aggressive.


  • Appearance of Rainbow Assorted Females will vary widely as the breed mix will result in different feather colors and patterns.

  • Some hens may have solid colors like white, brown or black while others may have patterned feathers like speckled, barred or laced patterns. This will result in a visually interesting flock with hens in various shades of red, gold, black and white.

  • You may also see chickens with smooth, fluffy or even feathered legs depending on the breeds included.


  • Rainbow Assorted Females are healthy birds as they are bred from egg laying breeds. However as with all chickens they need proper care which includes a balanced diet, fresh water, safe living space and regular monitoring for any health issues.

  • They are generally hardy and can adjust to different climate. They can live in cold and warm weather but always make sure they have access to shelter and shade when needed.

Frequently Asked Questions: 

What color eggs does a rainbow chicken lay?
There may be green, blue, terracotta, white, olive, brown, cream or pink egg layers included in the pack. The breeds may be Bielefelder, Spitzhauben, Americana crosses, Legbars, Marans crosses, Olive Egger etc.

What is a rainbow pullet?
The Rainbow is a dual-purpose bird that has one of the most unique feather color patterns you will ever see. It has every color you can imagine, and no two birds look alike. The best part about this breed is that they make wonderful birds for small backyard flocks allowing you to butcher them or keep the hens for eggs!

Can chickens lay rainbow eggs?
Depending on the breed, a chicken can lay an egg that is dark brown, light brown, pink, olive, blue, green, white, cream, and any shade in between but why are chicken eggs different colors? Each chicken will lay only one egg color. A hen that lays a white egg one day won't lay a blue egg the next day.

What color are rainbow chicken eggs?
They are under our Rainbow Egg Layer Pack and will include some of our listed and unlisted breeds. There may be green, blue, terracotta, white, olive, brown, cream or pink egg layers included in the pack. The breeds may be Bielefelder, Spitzhauben, Americana crosses, Legbars, Marans crosses, Olive Egger etc.

Rainbow Assorted Facts

  • Poultry Show Class: Not applicable (Assorted Varieties)
  • Weights: Hen — 5 to 7 lbs (depending on the variety)
  • Rooster — 6 to 8 lbs (depending on the variety)
  • Pullet — 4 1/2 to 6 lbs (depending on the variety)
  • Cockerel — 5 to 7 lbs (depending on the variety)
  • Purpose and Type: Egg Laying, Meat Production & Pet
  • Egg Shell Color: Brown (shades may vary by variety)
  • Egg Production: 220-280 eggs per year (estimates only, varies by variety)
  • Egg Size: Large
  • Temperament: Generally calm and friendly (varies by variety)
  • Gender Accuracy: 85-90%
  • Fertility Percentage: 75-85%
  • Broody: Varies by variety (some may be setters, others not)
  • Mating Ratio: 10 Females to 1 Male (average across varieties)
  • Roost Height: 3 to 6 feet (varies by variety)
  • Country of Origin: Hybrid (various strains)
  • APA: No
  • TLC: No
  • BREEDER FARM SOURCE: Poultry Breeding Farm offers a mix of high-quality strains developed over several decades to provide diversity and robust genetics.
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