Lakenvelder Chicken, a rare breed with striking black and white plumage.
Lakenvelder Chicken, a rare breed with striking black and white plumage, known for its active foraging nature.
Lakenvelder Chicken, a rare breed with striking black and white plumage.
Lakenvelder Chicken, a rare breed with striking black and white plumage, known for its active foraging nature.
  • Egg Size


  • Egg Quantity

    Very Good (4/wk)

  • Egg Color


  • Cold Tolerance

    Not Cold Hardy

  • Heat Tolerance

    Tolerates Heat Well

  • Abundance


  • Personality


  • Size


  • Feathered Feet


Lakenvelder Chicken

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Lakenvelder Chicken

The Lakenvelder chicken is a stunning breed known for its striking appearance, reliable egg production, and resilience as a heritage breed. Unfortunately, this breed is currently classified as "at risk," primarily due to the growing popularity of modern hybrid chickens, which overshadow traditional breeds like the Lakenvelder.

The Lakenvelder's name originates from its distinctive color pattern, which is particularly admired in the Netherlands. The breed showcases a striking contrast of a white body with black neck, tail, and wing tips. This color pattern, referred to as "Lakenvelder," has become synonymous with the breed's identity.

The history of the Lakenvelder is a blend of Dutch and German influences. While both countries claim to have played a significant role in the breed's development, the exact origins remain a topic of debate. Dutch and Belgian breeders believe the Lakenvelder descends from the ancient Jerusalem fowl, a breed that made its way to Europe during the Roman era. References to "Lakerveld" chickens appear in Dutch records as early as 1727. On the other hand, German breeders argue that the breed was refined in the 1800s from their local landrace chickens.

Ideal for:

  • Small Farms & Homesteads: Lakenvelders are perfect for small farms and homesteads where space is at a premium. They are excellent foragers, so they are well-suited to free-range environments, where they can help reduce feed costs by supplementing their diet with natural resources.

  • Ornamental Poultry Enthusiasts: With their striking appearance and unique color pattern, Lakenvelders are a great choice for poultry enthusiasts who want an eye-catching breed in their flock. Their distinctive look makes them an ornamental favorite.

  • Families & Mixed Flocks: While they are active and independent, Lakenvelders can still make good pets and are suitable for family environments. Their calm but alert nature makes them compatible with other breeds in a mixed-flock setting.

Care Requirements:

  • Space: Lakenvelders are active and inquisitive birds that require plenty of space to roam. A free-range environment is ideal, as they love to forage and explore. They will do well in larger pens or runs if free-ranging is not an option, but they should have enough room to be active and stretch their wings.

  • Feeding: Lakenvelders thrive on a balanced diet of high-quality poultry feed, supplemented with occasional treats such as vegetables, grains, and mealworms. Since they are excellent foragers, they can help find their own food in a free-range setting, reducing the amount of feed they require.

  • Shelter: Like most chickens, Lakenvelders need a secure, well-ventilated coop to protect them from predators and the weather. The coop should have clean bedding and enough space for them to roost comfortably. Lakenvelders are hardy, but protection from extreme weather conditions is essential.

Frequently Asked Questions: 

What color eggs do Lakenvelder chickens lay?
Lakenvelder chickens typically lay small to medium-sized white or slightly tinted eggs, producing around 150-200 eggs annually.

Are Lakenvelder chickens good egg producers?
Yes, Lakenvelder chickens are excellent egg producers. Despite their lightweight and active nature, they consistently lay a good number of eggs each year. Their striking appearance, coupled with their productive laying abilities, makes them a valuable and interesting addition to any flock, especially for those who appreciate rare breeds.

Are Lakenvelder chickens friendly?
Lakenvelders are known for their inquisitive and lively behavior. They have a calm and approachable temperament, making them well-suited for backyard settings and family-oriented environments.

What are the distinguishing features of the Lakenvelder chicken?
The Lakenvelder chicken is known for its striking feather pattern, which combines black and white hues. This breed features black hackles and a black tail, contrasted by a predominantly white body with a few black-tipped feathers on the wings. It also has a single comb, red wattles, and distinctive white earlobes. The unique coloration and elegant appearance make the Lakenvelder a visually appealing breed.

Lakenvelder Facts

  • Poultry Show Class: Continental Class
  • Weights: Hen——4 lbs
  • Rooster——5 lbs
  • Pullet—-3 1/2 lbs
  • Cockerel—-4 lbs
  • Purpose and Type: Egg Laying; Exhibition
  • Egg Shell Color: Cream or Tinted
  • Egg Production: 150+ eggs per year (estimates only)
  • Egg Size: Medium
  • Temperament: Active/Flighty
  • Fertility Percentage: 40-55%
  • Broody: Non Setter
  • Mating Ratio: 10 Females to 1 Male
  • Roost Height: 4+ feet
  • Country of Origin: Germany
  • APA: Yes, Recognized by the American Standard of Perfection in 1939.
  • TLC: Threatened Status, Considered a sustainable heritage chicken breed.
  • Breeder Farm Source: Poultry Breeding Farm has been developing our bloodline or strain of pure Lakenvelder chicken since 1979.
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