Splash Laced Red Wyandotte with a robust appearance, recognized for its occasional broodiness, longevity, and suitability as a pet due to its striking plumage and friendly nature.
Splash Laced Red Wyandotte featuring a medium build, weighing 6.5-8.5 lbs, prized for its excellent egg-laying abilities and suitability for backyard flocks due to its hardiness.
Splash Laced Red Wyandotte with a robust appearance, recognized for its occasional broodiness, longevity, and suitability as a pet due to its striking plumage and friendly nature.
Splash Laced Red Wyandotte featuring a medium build, weighing 6.5-8.5 lbs, prized for its excellent egg-laying abilities and suitability for backyard flocks due to its hardiness.
  • Egg Size


  • Egg Quantity

    Very Good (4/wk)

  • Egg Color


  • Cold Tolerance

    Hardy In Winter

  • Heat Tolerance

    Not Especially Heat Tolerant

  • Abundance


  • Personality


  • Size

    Large Fowl

  • Feathered Feet


Splash Laced Red Wyandottes

Select Sex Info

Splash Laced Red Wyandottes

The Wyandotte chicken is a versatile and popular American breed that originated in the 1870s. The Splash Laced Red Wyandottes are particularly striking, featuring a unique laced feather pattern where the primary mahogany/red color is beautifully contrasted by light grey edging. This pattern gives them a distinctive and elegant appearance, making them a favorite among poultry enthusiasts.

Unlike the Blue Laced Red Wyandottes, the Splash Laced variety is the lightest shade within the blue spectrum, adding an extra layer of visual appeal. These chickens are not only prized for their beauty but also for their practicality. They are excellent layers of brown eggs and can also be raised for meat. Their friendly and docile nature makes them exceptional pets, especially in a backyard setting. They adapt well to both confinement and free-range environments and are known for their occasional broodiness, making them excellent mothers.

While the Splash Laced Red Wyandotte is not yet recognized by the American Poultry Association's Standard of Perfection, there is ongoing work to achieve this status. The Chicken Coop Company offers a production type of this breed, which is ideal for those interested in a combination of aesthetic appeal and utility, rather than show purposes.

Egg Laying:

  • Egg Production: Wyandottes are known to be excellent layers, and the Splash Laced Red Wyandotte is no exception. They are reliable and can lay around 4-5 medium-sized brown eggs per week, depending on their age and health. Their egg-laying ability makes them a solid choice for those who want a consistent supply of eggs.

  • Egg Quality: The eggs are smooth and have a thick, strong shell. They are a rich brown color, and the eggs' taste is often described as being delicious and rich, making them highly valued for culinary purposes.

Health and Care:

  • Hardy: Wyandottes are hardy birds that can tolerate various weather conditions. They are known to be more resilient than some other breeds, handling both heat and cold reasonably well. However, as with all chickens, it's essential to provide them with proper shelter from extreme weather.

  • Low Maintenance: The Splash Laced Red Wyandotte, like other Wyandottes, is generally low-maintenance. They don't require special grooming, although their feathers can sometimes become dirty if they free-range in muddy or wet conditions. Keeping their living environment clean and dry is key to their health.

  • Good foragers: They are excellent foragers and do well in free-range settings. However, they should still be provided with a secure, fenced area to protect them from predators and keep them from wandering too far.

Frequently Asked Questions: 

What color eggs do Austra White chickens lay?
Austra White chickens are known for their prolific egg-laying capabilities, producing eggs that are typically white or cream-colored. These chickens combine the foraging skills and excellent laying abilities of Leghorns with the heavier, friendlier traits of Australorps.

How do Austra Whites differ from White Leghorns?
While Austra Whites and White Leghorns both excel in egg production, Austra Whites stand out by being heavier and less flighty than their Leghorn counterparts. Austra White roosters are pure white with bright red single combs, and hens are white with occasional black spots.

Are Austra White chickens known for their friendliness?
Yes, Austra White chickens are noted for their calm and docile nature. This is a distinct advantage over the more flighty temperament of purebred White Leghorns, as Austra Whites result from a cross between white Leghorns and black Australorps, combining the best traits of both breeds.

What defines a hybrid Australorp?
Hybrid Australorps, often black in color, are crosses of the pure Australorp breed. These hybrids are known for their good egg-laying capabilities and medium size, distinguished by some red feathering around the neck and red eyes. Unlike purebred Australorps, which are now primarily kept for show and have seen a decline in egg production, hybrids offer consistent laying performance.

Splash Laced Red Wyandottes Facts

  • Poultry Show Class: American
  • Weights: Hen ——-6 1/2 lbs
  • Rooster—-8 1/2 lb
  • Pullet——-5 1/2  lbs
  • Cockerel—7 1/2 lbs
  • Purpose and Type: Primary production, Egg Laying & Pet/Secondary meat source
  • Egg Shell Color: Brown
  • Egg Production: 180-260 eggs per year. (estimates only)
  • Egg Size: Medium
  • Temperament: Docile
  • Fertility Percentage: 60-75%
  • Broody: Setter
  • Mating Ratio: 9 Females to 1 Male
  • Roost Height: 2 to 4 feet
  • Country of Origin: United States
  • APA: No
  • TLC: Graduated from priority list in 2016
  • Breeder Farm Source: Poultry Breeding Farm has been developing our bloodline/strain of the Blue Laced Red Wyandotte since 2017.
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