Egg Size
Egg Quantity
Very Good (4/wk)
Egg Color
Assorted, Blue, Green
Cold Tolerance
Not Cold Hardy
Large Fowl
Feathered Feet
Heat Tolerance
Tolerates Heat Well
Easter Egger
Easter Egger Chicken
The Easter Egger chicken, originating from Chile in South America, was first discovered by the Araucana Indians. Unlike the true Araucana chicken, which is rumpless (tailless) and features small curling tufts of feathers near each ear, or the Ameraucana chicken, which has a tail, a full beard, and comes in various pure color types, the Easter Egger chicken is distinct. It possesses a full beard under the beak, a tail, and does not come in pure color types.
At The Chicken Coop Company, our breeding program for Easter Egger chickens focuses on producing birds with a diverse range of feather colors, patterns, and combinations, as well as high egg production with colorful shells. Their eggs can range from pale blue to dark blue, various shades of green, and a few light brownish-pink hues. The meat of the Easter Egger is known for its delicious flavor, comparable to quail. While we do not specialize in specific color varieties, we breed for a wide spectrum of feather and egg colors.
Araucana and Ameraucana chickens, with their different color patterns, are actively being developed and showcased across the USA. Easter Egger chickens are ideal for backyard flocks, chicken coops, larger poultry setups, and free-range environments.
Health and Care:
Hardy and Adaptable: Easter Eggers are hardy birds that can thrive in many climates, although their feathering may not be as dense as others so they may need extra care in harsh winters or extremely hot weather. They adapt well to free-range but can do well in confined spaces if they have enough room to move and forage.
Disease Resistance: Like most hybrid chickens, Easter Eggers are pretty disease resistant and tough. But they can still get mites, lice and respiratory issues if their environment isn’t kept clean. Good coop hygiene, fresh water and a nutritious diet are key to keeping them healthy.
Low Maintenance: These chickens are low maintenance. They need a balanced diet, fresh water and a safe, clean environment. They are also hard foragers so great for free-range. But they do need some protection from predators due to their friendly and curious nature.

Egg Laying:
Colorful Eggs: The best feature of the Easter Egger chicken is the beautiful, colorful eggs. While egg colors can vary, Easter Eggers are most known for blue or green eggs but can also lay pink, lavender or light brown eggs depending on their genetics.
Moderate Egg Production: Easter Eggers are moderate layers and produce around 200-250 eggs per year. The eggs are medium sized but can be larger depending on the bird. Not the highest producers but the colorful eggs make them super popular among backyard chicken keepers.
Year Round Laying: Easter Eggers are generally year round layers although laying may slow down in winter when days are shorter. Providing supplemental lighting in winter can help keep egg production consistent.
Friendly and Social: Easter Eggers are known for being gentle, friendly and social. They love people and are easy to handle. Their curious and inquisitive nature makes them a favorite among chicken keepers, especially families with kids.* Peaceful and Gentle: These chickens are not aggressive and are calm and gentle so great for those who want a peaceful, easy going flock. They are generally not at the top of the pecking order in a mixed flock as they are more passive and friendly.
Active and Curious: While friendly, Easter Eggers are also active and curious. They enjoy exploring their environment and are good foragers so great for free-range where they can forage for bugs and seeds.

Colors and Patterns: One of the best features of the Easter Egger is the wide range of colors and patterns. They can come in almost any color, black, blue, red, white and more. Their patterns can be solid, speckled or laced.
Medium Size: Easter Eggers are medium sized chickens, around 4-6 pounds. They are easy to manage and adaptable to any living situation.
Feather Types: Easter Eggers can have various feather types but many are soft and fluffy. Some may have a pea comb like the Ameraucana while others may have a single comb.
Muff and Beard: Many Easter Eggers have a beard and muffs (feathers around their face) although not all do. These birds can be quite striking with feathers around the face making them really unique.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Easter Eggers are renowned for their impressive egg-laying abilities, typically producing at least four eggs per week. A common myth about Easter Eggers is that they lay eggs in a variety of colors. In reality, the color of the first egg they lay will be consistent for the rest of their laying period.
Is Easter Egger a Recognized Breed?
Easter Eggers are not officially recognized as a breed. Instead, they are a barnyard mix created by crossing an Araucana with a brown egg layer. Araucanas are noted for their distinctive blue eggs.
At What Age Do Easter Eggers Start Laying?
Easter Egger chickens generally start laying eggs between four and five months of age, though some may begin as early as three months or as late as six months.
Are Easter Eggers Kid-Friendly?
Easter Egger hens are friendly and make great companions for families. They typically lay around four eggs a week and are enjoyable to raise, making them a good choice for households with children.
Easter Egger Facts
- Poultry Show Class: Not Applicable
- Weights: Hen —-5 1/2 lbs
- Rooster—-6 1/2 lb
- Pullet—4 1/2 lbs
- Cockerel—5 1/2 lbs
- Purpose and Type: Egg laying and ornamental; Production
- Egg Shell Color: Green, Blue, Pink, Multi
- Egg Production: 200-280 eggs per year (estimates only)
- Egg Size: Medium-Large
- Temperament: Active
- Gender Accuracy: 80-85%
- Fertility Percentage: 60-75%
- Broody: Setter
- Mating Ratio: 10 Females to 1 Male
- Roost Height: 4 to 6 feet
- Country of Origin: United States
- APA: No
- TLC: Not Listed
- Breeder Farm Source: Poultry Breeding Farm has been developing our bloodline/strain of production type of Easter Egger™ Chickens since 1971.
Notice: We do not sell items on Amazon or other websites.