Austra White Chicken
Austra White Chicken
Austra White Chicken
Austra White Chicken
  • Egg Size


  • Egg Quantity

    Excellent (5/wk)

  • Egg Color

    Cream, White, Tinted

  • Cold Tolerance

    Hardy In Winter

  • Abundance


  • Personality


  • Size

    Large Fowl

  • Feathered Feet


  • Heat Tolerance

    Tolerates Heat Well

Austra White Chicken

Select Sex Info

Austra White Chicken

Austra Whites are a unique cross between one of our top Black Australorp roosters and our premium White Leghorn hens from The Chicken Coop Company. This breed was first developed in the early 1900s and has since become a favorite for its excellent laying abilities throughout the year. Austra Whites produce a very light brown to off-white egg, making them exceptional layers. The hens are predominantly white with small black specks in some feathers, and they are known for being a bit heavier and calmer than pure Leghorns.

There are numerous advantages to raising these chickens, especially if you're looking for a productive backyard flock. These hens are prolific egg layers, have a good feed-to-egg production ratio, and are well-suited for home egg production. Free-range eggs from Austra Whites are delicious, and while these chickens are good at avoiding predators, their white color does make them more visible. Raising Austra Whites is not only practical but also an enjoyable and rewarding experience for anyone interested in homegrown eggs.


Health and Care:

  • Hardy and Resilient: Austra White chickens are hardy and adaptable to a variety of climates. Thanks to the Black Australorp genetics, they are well-suited for colder temperatures and can handle harsher weather conditions compared to some other white egg-laying breeds. They still need to be protected from extreme heat, so it's important to provide them with ample shade and fresh water during hot weather.

  • Disease Resistance: Like many hybrid breeds, Austra Whites are generally disease-resistant and robust. However, they can still fall prey to common poultry diseases like mites, lice, and respiratory issues if their living conditions are not properly maintained. Clean water, proper sanitation, and good ventilation in the coop are essential for maintaining their health.

  • Low Maintenance: Austra White chickens are relatively low-maintenance. They thrive on a balanced diet and will be healthy and productive with basic care. Regular access to fresh water, nutritious food, and a clean living environment will keep them in top condition.

Egg Laying:

  • High Egg Production: Austra White chickens are known for their impressive egg-laying capabilities. They produce a high number of 250-300 eggs annually. The eggs are typically large and white, which makes them ideal for commercial egg producers or anyone looking for a reliable source of eggs.

  • Year-Round Laying: Austra White hens are excellent year-round layers, continuing to produce eggs even during the colder months. While egg production might slightly decrease in winter due to reduced daylight hours, these birds are known for maintaining consistent laying through most seasons.
  • Large White Eggs: The eggs they lay are large and white, highly sought after by consumers. Their ability to produce large, consistent eggs makes them a preferred choice for both small farm operations and larger-scale egg production.


  • Friendly and Calm: Austra White chickens are friendly, calm, and easy to handle, making them an excellent choice for families or first-time chicken keepers. They are not aggressive and are often comfortable around humans and other chickens, which makes them well-suited for mixed-flock environments.

  • Sociable: These chickens are generally social and get along well with others. They may not be as dominant as some other breeds, but they are not timid either. Austra Whites integrate well with other breeds in the flock.

  • Not Flighty: Unlike some more excitable breeds, Austra White chickens tend to be calm and steady, which makes them easier to manage in free-range or confined environments.


  • Pure White Plumage: Austra White chickens have sleek, white feathers that give them a clean and attractive appearance. The feathers are smooth and often have a slight sheen, particularly in sunlight.

  • Medium Size: They are medium-sized birds, with hens typically weighing 4.5-5.5 pounds and roosters weighing 5.5-6.5 pounds. Their size is well-proportioned, neither too large nor too small, which contributes to their good egg production.

  • Single Comb and Wattles: Austra Whites have a typical single comb, which is medium-sized and upright. Their wattles and earlobes are red, contrasting nicely with their white feathers.

  • Sturdy Build: These chickens have a sturdy, muscular build that makes them capable of thriving in both free-range and confined spaces. Their strong physical structure supports their excellent egg production.

Frequently Asked Questions: 

What color eggs do Austra White chickens lay?
Austra White chickens are known for their prolific egg-laying capabilities, producing eggs that are typically white or cream-colored. These chickens combine the foraging skills and excellent laying abilities of Leghorns with the heavier, friendlier traits of Australorps.

How do Austra Whites differ from White Leghorns?
While Austra Whites and White Leghorns both excel in egg production, Austra Whites stand out by being heavier and less flighty than their Leghorn counterparts. Austra White roosters are pure white with bright red single combs, and hens are white with occasional black spots.

Are Austra White chickens known for their friendliness?
Yes, Austra White chickens are noted for their calm and docile nature. This is a distinct advantage over the more flighty temperament of purebred White Leghorns, as Austra Whites result from a cross between white Leghorns and black Australorps, combining the best traits of both breeds.

What defines a hybrid Australorp?
Hybrid Australorps, often black in color, are crosses of the pure Australorp breed. These hybrids are known for their good egg-laying capabilities and medium size, distinguished by some red feathering around the neck and red eyes. Unlike purebred Australorps, which are now primarily kept for show and have seen a decline in egg production, hybrids offer consistent laying performance.

Austra White Facts

  • Poultry Show Class: Not applicable
  • Weights:  Hen—–5 lbs
  • Rooster——6 1/2 lbs
  • Pullet—4 1/2 lbs
  • Cockerel—-5 1/2 lbs
  • Purpose and Type: Primary production, Egg Laying & Pet/Secondary meat source
  • Egg Shell Color: Very light brown to off white egg shell color
  • Egg Production:  220-280 eggs per year (estimates only)
  • Egg Size: Large
  • Temperament: Active
  • Gender Accuracy: 80-85%
  • Fertility Percentage: 65-80%
  • Broody: Non Setter
  • Mating Ratio: 12 Females to 1 Males
  • Roost Height: 4 to 8 feet
  • Country of Origin:  Hybrid
  • APA:  No
  • TLC:  No
  • BREEDER FARM SOURCE:  Poultry Breeding Farm has been developing our bloodline or strain of Austra White since 1939.
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