As a buyer of live animals, your responsibility is to provide an environment with proper heat, bedding, food and water as given in our care sheet. The care sheet instructions are to be read at the time of ordering your birds (preparation information) and read again at the time of delivery of birds. A hard copy of the instructions will be sent with your order. Report any unsafe delivery to us as instructed in the below “Alive & Healthy Guarantee” section. You agree to be free and flexible to pick up your chicks from the post office and have free time to secure the chicks in the brooder. Be around to care for them for the first 24 hours to make sure everything is going well and to see that the brooder temperature is regulated properly. Please be prepared and educated on raising baby poultry before your order arrives.

SAFE AND TIMELY DELIVERY GUARANTEE *Except Peafowl and Rare Ornamental Pheasants*

We guarantee that you will receive a full count of live healthy poultry within 1-3 days through Priority Live Shipping with the USPS. We often place extra chicks of same/like breed and gender you ordered in each box to help fulfill this guarantee. However, if losses should occur in shipment and you do receive fewer live birds than you ordered, we will make an adjustment by refunding poultry, not including shipping and handling. Please report your loss by going to our help center and filing a report. We’ll walk you through exactly how to do it. 

 You must use a heat source that can maintain a temperature of at least 100 -105 degrees for the first 48 hours in the warm area of your brooder and have a cool area for the chicks to get away from the heat when needed. We do not recommend using puppy pads. The Chicken Coop Company does not guarantee mortalities or morbidities after the safe and timely delivery day of arrival.  


The Chicken Coop Company is unable to refund or replace any poultry after it has arrived safe and in a timely manner. Our pricing is not setup to incur these types of expenses and risk beyond that point. Our refund policy is only for unsafe or unusually long shipping risks that the USPS causes and must be reported immediately. “Policies /guarantees.”   Buying live poultry has inherent risk of successfully raising them and is a buyer’s risk. Sometimes things go wrong without any real reason that can be determined even when care instructions are followed.  98% of Chicken Coop Company’s customers experience great success when following our care instructions and videos. 


All The Chicken Coop Company poultry are guaranteed to be of the grade, quality, sex and breed as represented in the breed description. Should any error occur, we will make a prompt adjustment. In producing these chicks, the seller / seller’s partner hatcheries have followed approved and recommended methods of flock control and egg selection and has established sanitary and disease control standards in the Hatchery operation. Seller / seller’s partner hatcheries do not warrant poultry to be free from any disease which could not be ascertained at the time of sale. Liability is limited in all cases to replacement of damaged chicks and extra chicks must apply. Replacement good for one time only. Under no circumstances shall our liability, on claims of any kind, exceed the total price paid for poultry. Sellers partner hatchery’s participate in the United States Department of Agriculture Animal Health inspection service “National Poultry Improvement Plan”.


All of the different pure breed birds are representations of the pure breed poultry named and may or may not be of our bloodlines. Our goal at The Chicken Coop Company and through our hatchery partners is to mate parent stock that will produce chicks that will mature into similar representations of each breed that is photographed. We have numerous flock owners and customers who show their birds at poultry shows throughout the United States. Of course, the birds shown at poultry shows are usually the best-marked bird of their entire flock. Most flocks of a pure breed will have some kind or degree of variance from one bird to another. A large percentage of the photos on our site are of our hatchery partner’s bloodlines.


While we have taken every precaution to ensure accurate prices, we cannot guarantee the website to be free of pricing and description errors. Also, prices may change without notice. The merchandise prices on this website supersede all prior prices and we will contact you if an error is made and a correction is needed. 


We ship poultry ONLY to the United States and NOT Internationally. We DO NOT ship poultry, equipment and supplies Internationally. We do not ship to Hawaii or Alaska. 


Gender selection is not a perfect science for most of the poultry we offer. Some are easier to determine than others. Some breeds like the black sex link are about 99% accurate while some Marans and Ameraucana can average at 80%. However, we do offer a 90% accuracy on our gender selection across all our poultry that offers gender selection purchases. If there is an error and we do not live up to our stated guarantee, we will refund the female baby chick purchase price under 90%. In other words, if you have over 10% that are roosters of your female baby chick order we should be able to refund at female baby price outside of the 10%. Claims must be sent directly to us when chicks are not more than 8 months old.

We can no longer accept claims when the birds are older than this. Our hatchery partners have one of the best rated and multiple genders selection methods in the industry, but again this is not a perfect science. It is recommended that you give some thought to the possibility of receiving 10% males and what you would need to do under that circumstance. We do not have any guarantees on percentages on males or females for not sexed/straight run chicks. We do not offer gender selection on all the breeds we sell. For some breeds, it is either too hard on them or because the professional sexers’ accuracy is not good enough and would cause customer dissatisfaction. Under no circumstances shall our liability, on claims of any kind, exceed the total price paid for poultry. Please check out our blog Planning Your Spring Chick Order for great advice on ordering chicks. 


No canceling of orders 10 business days prior to your ship date. Any orders placed and then cancelled will have $20.00 deducted from the total purchase and shipping price. The difference will be refunded back to the original method of payment whenever possible. The reason behind the fee: Orders paid for/booked are taken off the market for sale and are marked sold. We could have a lost opportunity for a buyer if cancelled. Cancelled orders create bookkeeping and labor cost to process that cancelled order and along with postage or credit card fees to reprocess credits. Again, our poultry pricing is not formulated for a cancelled order cost. We do make exceptions for the fee for emergencies and will move a ship date to another date; however, every effort should be made to be prepared to receive your chicks on your given date. Refunds are processed ASAP, but on busy rare occasions can take up to 1 week to be completed.  It is customary practice for customers to order their poultry 2-8 weeks in advance of the time they would like them delivered. Since live new chicks become perishable the day they hatch, it is necessary to have them all sold well before their hatch date.


Newly hatched chicks have their 3-day supply of yolk still in their system to sustain them for their trip to your home. We ship every Monday and Wednesday using USPS and your birds should arrive at your post office or mailing address within 1 to 3 days. Your confirmation notice will give you your hatch/ship date. You should be very flexible around your delivery date so you can take your birds immediately to your brooder to be warmed up so they will start eating and drinking.


All poultry will be boxed according to the weather, so the poultry will have the best chance of survival. Because of this, breeds and sexes must be mixed. Unless indicated by you, breeds and sexes will not be marked. Additional shipping and handling costs may be required for extra boxes and materials during hot weather in order to avoid chicks from getting overheated during shipping.


Breeding blues to blue do not produce all blue offspring, they produce roughly 34% blues, 33% dark blues/black and 33% splash.


Unfortunately, due to our new ordering system, we can no longer make any changes to orders. Orders must be canceled and will be refunded as soon as possible; however, you will have to place another order with the changes you need to make. Your original order date of a canceled order will be lost, and you will have to reschedule your new order with updated available dates for breeds.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. If you place your new order and cancel the original, we can waive the cancellation fee. If you are registered on our website, you may have options for some changes to your orders.


1-14 chicks are a flat fee of $7.00. 
15 to 66 chicks are a total of $13.
Anything over 66 multiply x .15,
Example: 100 chicks x .15= $15.00 total Marek’s charge. For more information please see our vaccination policy. 


Every effort is given to accurately predict a hatch date for your order and we reserve those eggs for your order. However, most of the time we are predicting the number of eggs to be laid in the future and predicting hatchability. On rare occasions, we must roll orders to another date if we have an incubator/hatcher go down, flights canceled, or USPS delivery problems that cause us to reship a lot of orders.


Mail order poultry is entirely different than poultry hatched out in an incubator at home or under a hen. Mail-order poultry require much more heat initially for the first 2 weeks than a heat plate generally can provide.  Mail-order chicks need their body temperature rapidly and immediately and artificially warmed up to 104 degrees (which is a mother hen’s temperature). Most heat plates do not do this. The chick does not have the ability to generate enough of its own heat immediately on arrival and sustain its own temperature. About the time of arrival, the chick is losing its (mother nature protection). Generally, after the first 2 weeks of using a heat lamp, you can switch to a heat plate that does not put out any light so the chicks can adjust to a more circadian rhythm. They no longer need light 24/7 for a fast start for eating and drinking and now the 24/7 light will stress them at this point.