From Hatch to Hen: The Ultimate Chick Guide

Danny Lundquist Danny Lundquist

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From Hatch to Hen: The Ultimate Chick Guide

Phase 0: The Dream Begins

Welcome to the exciting world of backyard chickens! Whether you're starting fresh or growing your flock, raising chickens is a fulfilling journey that brings fresh eggs, unique personalities, and the joy of hands-on care. Success starts with selecting the right chicks and preparing properly for their arrival. This chick guide will walk you through choosing the best breeds, placing your order, and gathering everything you need before the big day.

Preparation is key to raising a thriving flock. Experienced chicken keepers know that planning ahead makes all the difference. While this post offers a high-level roadmap of your chick-raising journey, each phase is covered in greater detail in dedicated blog posts. From selecting your first chicks to smoothly transitioning them into a full-sized coop, we’ll guide you every step of the way.

Before Your Chicks Arrive: Key Preparations

  • Choose the Right Breed – Match your goals with the best breed for egg production, temperament, and climate.

  • Understand Ordering Options – Learn where to buy healthy chicks and what to look for when purchasing.

  • Gather the Essentials – Set up a brooder, feeders, waterers, and bedding before your chicks arrive.

Raising chicks is a step-by-step process, and each phase comes with unique challenges and milestones. This guide will give you a strong foundation, but for a deeper dive into each stage, be sure to check out our dedicated resources. Consider this your roadmap to raising happy, healthy chickens!

Phase 1: Choosing Your Chicks

  • Breed Selection: Choose based on egg production, temperament, and climate.

  • Where to Buy: Options include hatcheries, farm stores, and local breeders.

  • Understanding Chick Options: Know the difference between straight-run and sexed chicks.

  • Pre-Arrival Prep: Set up a brooder with feeders and bedding.

READ PHASE ONE: Pick The Right Chicken Breed and Preparing for Arrival

Phase 2:  Arrival Day – The Essential First 24 Hours 

  • Safe Unpacking: Handle gently to minimize stress.

  • First Feeding: Provide water and starter feed immediately.

  • Health Check: Watch for pasty butt and signs of shipping stress.

  • Temperature Control: Keep brooder temperature stable.

 READ PHASE TWO: Chick Arrival Day - Essential First 24 Hours 

Phase 3: The First Few Weeks – Growth, Health & Brooder Management

  • Heat Management: Lower the brooder temperature weekly.

  • Feeding & Supplements: Provide starter feed, grit, and probiotics.

  • Health Monitoring: Watch for early health issues.

  • Brooder Maintenance: Keep it clean and spacious.

  • Outdoor Introduction: Gradually expose chicks to fresh air.

READ PHASE THREE: How to Raise Healthy Chicks

Phase 4: Transitioning to the Coop & Meeting the Flock

  • When to Move: Ensure they’re old enough and weather-ready.

  • Flock Integration: Introduce them slowly to avoid pecking order issues.

  • Coop Setup: Predator-proof your coop and ensure ventilation.

  • Nighttime Routines: Train them to return to the coop at dusk.

READ PHASE FOUR: Moving Chicks to the Coop: Timing & Smooth Transition

Your Chicken Journey Starts Now! 

Raising chickens is an incredibly rewarding experience, but success starts with preparation. By following this guide, you’re setting your flock up for a healthy, happy life. As your chicks grow, each phase will bring new milestones and exciting moments. Stay with us as we move through this journey—next, we’ll dive into choosing the best chicken breed and preparing for their arrival!

READ PHASE ONE: Pick The Right Chicken Breed and Preparing for Arrival

READ PHASE TWO: Chick Arrival Day - Essential First 24 Hours

READ PHASE THREE: How to Raise Healthy Chicks

READ PHASE FOUR: Moving Chicks to the Coop: Timing & Smooth Transition


When is the best time to start raising baby chicks?

The best time to start raising chicks is in the spring or early summer when temperatures are warmer and more stable. This makes it easier for chicks to transition from the brooder to the outdoors without weather-related stress.

How do I choose the right chicken breed for my flock?

Consider your goals—whether it’s for egg production, meat, or companionship. Also, factor in your local climate, the space you have, and the temperament you prefer. For example, Rhode Island Reds are great egg layers, while Silkies are friendly and family-friendly.

What supplies do I need before my chicks arrive?

You'll need a brooder box, heat source (like a heat lamp or brooder plate), feeder and waterer, chick starter feed, and bedding (such as pine shavings). Having everything set up before they arrive reduces stress on the chicks.

Where should I buy my baby chicks?

You can purchase chicks from local hatcheries, farm stores, or reputable online breeders. Always look for healthy, active chicks and choose sources that offer live arrival guarantees.

How can I raise friendly, well-socialized chickens?

Handle your chicks gently and often to build trust. Start with short, calm interactions and offer treats like scrambled eggs or mealworms. Speaking softly while handling them helps chicks associate your voice with safety and food.

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